
  • Our outstanding feedback
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To have a better understanding of the financials in a business and to take that information and then implement, or suggest solutions to a client.
Name:Cliff Spolander
Job Title:Director
Company:Business Optics
Service(s) Provided:
It helps you to gain confidence in approaching clients, enhances in your own mind the value of the work we do and the solutions we can offer, and gives confidence to move forward with the VFD option in your quoting. It's been much more valuable than I expected.
Name:Hugh Stedman
Job Title:Managing Partner
Company:C&H Stedman
Town:Hemel Hempstead
Service(s) Provided:
It's definitely given us a more in depth knowledge of what the software can do. A lot of others give you a half hour training session and you're left to try and manage yourselves, which is the exact opposite of what Steve and Mark have done for us with VFD Pro. I also dealt with another lady when I had an issue and needed support, Amanda Johnson, and she dealt with it very quickly. It's been really good, more than I anticipated.
Name:Graeme Hindley
Job Title:Managing Director
Company:Styles & Co
Service(s) Provided:
I'm at partner level so it's given me the confidence to speak to clients about the product and run through the reports with my clients, and to hear from those with more experience than me about how they have used the software and reports, and some of the challenges that they've faced when delivering it to clients. They're always on hand to help us and we can always go to them for support. They keep us very up to date on developments and we meet frequently as well.
Name:Jack Herbert
Job Title:Client Manager
Company:Burgis & Bullock
Town:Leamington Spa
Service(s) Provided:
The course is going into more detail in the models, and discussing the practical implications to the clients.
Name:Michael Ogilvie
Job Title:Managing Director
Company:X5 Accountants
Service(s) Provided:
I think that's it's being carried out in a shared space with other business owners and accountants means that you can share ideas about the applications of VFD. It's been very helpful and informative, and a good run through of the product and the different things it can do.
Name:Ant Miller
Job Title:Director
Company:Cornish Accounting
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
The key benefit is the fact that they keep you accountable; they give you things to do, and meeting twice a week helps as well.
Name:James Bruce
Job Title:Senior Manager
Company:Styles & Co
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
I'm on the programme as a business advisor, where most are accountancy firms, so I'm not a typical client. It's given me a better understanding of the reporting and financial reporting.
Name:Nick Cramp
Job Title:Founder
Service(s) Provided:
We benefit in two main ways: 1) Get a better understanding of how the software works in practice, the details of that, and hands on experience. 2) The value of the help groups in helping consolidate client relationships, and also take that relationship to a business advisor level.
Name:Sanjay Shah
Job Title:Managing Director
Company:Smart Advisory Solutions
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
The reports are really complex so if we were just handed the software without the training I don't think we'd be able to provide the most value for our clients as we wouldn't know the tips and tricks to go with it, and we may get in a muddle as we wouldn't know the processes behind the reports. The training also helps with pricing as Steve and Mark are very clear with what they think the business model should be when approaching clients with pricing, and on the same topic, how to sell the product.
Name:Joshua Collett
Job Title:Senior Client Manager
Company:Cornish Accounting
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
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