
  • Our outstanding feedback
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It's in depth, going at your pace, and they've got that support; I've contacted mark when I've been unsure of something, and it's a great product so there's a lot to take in.
Name:Joanne Nabb
Job Title:Senior Manager
Company:Styles & Co
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
The software is going to save us a load of time, and the training has given us the perspective of the business owners side; Steve talks about how he's perceived the data so it's got us thinking about the clients and how they perceive things.
Name:Rachel Barry
Job Title:Senior Client Manager
Company:Lewis Ballard
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
It gives a greater understanding of the output systems, and ideas around implementation with regards to using specific reports with clients, and how the different outputs work together to form a much a greater understanding of what's going on. It's always interesting when you undertake any training, or mixing with other practitioners, as there's an open sharing of ideas and suggestions; there's always something you'll pick up from someone else. I like the accessibility of the VFD people; if I send something to Mark I know he'll pick it up and answer me quickly, which is a real strength, and also the flexibility when you do talk to the team, to Mark in particular, around suggestions for changing reports and adding value, is really good.
Name:Sean Farnell
Job Title:Managing Director
Company:Burgis & BUllock
Town:Leamington Spa
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
I get to know the reports better, and I like being reminded of the way we should be selling our services the clients as value driven.
Name:Ian Lloyd
Job Title:Executive CHairman
Company:Styles & Co
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
The key benefit is 100% understanding the reports and how they fit together; as an accountant I can see them and know what they mean, but how do they fit together and the consequences of those reports.
Name:Charlotte Zacharia
Job Title:Owner
Company:Z2 Group Accountants (z squared)
Town:St. Albans
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
It definitely brings everything together; if we were just given a guide to follow and the software it wouldn't be as meaningful. It's really in depth training which is brilliant, and really gets into what it can do and how it can help us benefit clients. It gives us more value that we can give to our customers.
Name:Rebecca Johnson
Job Title:Client Account Manager
Company:Lewis Ballard
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
I think it's been very informative; there's been some real life examples they've been able to share with us. They've also given us the financial background from Marks side and the Managing Director background from Steve's side which I think has been very helpful. Just the general feedback that they've been given from other clients on the kind of support and questions, so we can get the best out of our investment in the software. It will enable us to help our clients so they get a better value service and they can then refer us on.
Name:Gavin Jones
Job Title:Client Manager
Company:Lewis Ballard
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
Always receive a helpful and positive response from all concerned.
Name:Chris Marshall
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
The product / service does as promoted, is well and professionally presented and offers good value to accountants and other advisers.
Name:Jeremy Webb
Job Title:Director Business Improvement & Finance
Company:SatNav4Business Ltd
Service(s) Provided: 6. VFD Pro training and support Academy
Excellent and useful webinars covering useful topics I know the playbook form basis of in-house and training sessions but a useful one may be on funding options or opportunities coming out of analysis of the software
Name:Frank Meyet
Service(s) Provided: 7. Marketing collateral for use on your website, social media and email communications
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