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Customer Analysis Report

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The Customer Analysis Report will help you become best friends with your client’s sales director / team by providing unparalleled clarity to clearly understand in near real time, what is happening in relation to New Customer Acquisition, Customer Attrition, trends in Average Transaction Value and Purchase Volumes and where the greatest risk lies in the existing customer base.

Typical Use: This is perfect for planning and analysis purposes, both to understand and extrapolate existing performance trends. The Customer Analysis Report is an ideal catalyst and enabler for discussion to identify and strategize the potential to acquire more of the ‘right’ profile of customers and to sell more to existing customers, whilst focusing attention on retention, up-selling and hence maximising lifetime customer value.

The Source of Revenue: Existing customers are, for most businesses their most valuable asset, because this is where all of the company’s income comes from. In most businesses, existing customers are a neglected and poorly understood asset. By using The Customer Analysis Report to help your client understand and take action to protect and nurture their number one asset, you further re-enforce the invaluable nature of the support and assistance you can provide

Picture of the front cover of the Customer Analysis Report which provides a detailed analysis of the movement in customer acquisition, attrition, average purchase value and frequency supported by highly granular analysis of clients and movement in the last two years

Example Report

An example of the ‘Customer Analysis Report’ can be accessed here.

Report Overview

Key Customer Performance Indicators

Detailed Customer Performance

Table of Contents
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